
Call Us Today: 952-841-2345

Call Us Today: 952-841-2345

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with less pain

Visit the
pain management
experts at Twin Cities
Pain Clinic and let us
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life you deserve.

Burnsville Surgery Center Pricing Transparency

The federal government requires ambulatory surgery centers to post their standard charges reflecting each service and item provided by the facility. The list of our standard charges can be downloaded here:

Download all charges as machine readable .CSV file.

Burnsville Surgery Center is a firm advocate of your right to understand all aspects of your care. Please note that the price reflected in our standard charges document for each service or item may be very different than the amount you are expected to pay. Burnsville Surgery Center is in network with Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurance plans, and we have negotiated discounted rates with each plan for most services provided at our facility. Your insurance plan may also offer additional coverage and discounts on top of the negotiated rates.

If you do not have insurance, or do not intend to use insurance for care at our facility, you have the right to receive a good faith estimate detailing how much your care will cost. You can learn more at the following link:

Your Right to a Good Faith Estimate >

If you have questions about the billing process or how much you may be expected to pay for a service, you may call 952-841-2345 to speak to our billing team.


Telemedicine and in-clinic appointments available. Schedule today: 952-841-2345