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Webinar title image-Potrait of AnnMarie Dulen next to post title, Finding Your Balance

Finding Your Balance

On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, AnnMarie Dulen, Physical Therapist at Twin Cities Pain Clinic, presented a webinar on how individuals suffering from fibromyalgia can better manage their pain and lead more fulfilling lives. Titled Finding Your Balance - A Mindful Approach to Easing Fibromyalgia Pain withRead more
Intrathecal pump patient Cheri Haberle performing maintenance on an antique tractor engine

Restoring Life (and Tractors)

Heavy machinery, explosive missiles, and laboratory equipment. Sounds like the ingredients for an action movie, doesn’t it? But the truth is even more interesting. In this case, it is but a brief glimpse into the fascinating life of Cheri Haberle. Cheri is a Minnesota native whoRead more
Two blue DNA double helices over a diagram of DNA molecules

Is Chronic Pain Hereditary?

Chronic pain is, and always has been, a complex condition. But while it can often be difficult to diagnose at the individual level, we have a pretty good overall idea as to what causes chronic pain. Usually, chronic pain is the result of an injury orRead more
Black and white image of a brunette girl looking sad

Does Chronic Pain Cause Anxiety?

Does anxiety cause pain, or is the pain causing anxiety? It’s actually both. Pain can be a common symptom and sometimes a good indicator of an anxiety disorder, particularly generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease. The link between anxietyRead more
See-through image of a human body with a dorsal root ganglion (DRG) stimulator device implanted, along with a magnified view of the device lead resting next to a DRG in the spine

What is Dorsal Root Ganglion (DRG) Stimulation?

Dorsal Root Ganglion (DRG) stimulation is an advanced pain management therapy developed by Abbott. It is specially designed to provide relief from chronic neuropathic pain of the extremities. Neuropathic pain results from damage to or malfunction of nerves. Nerves are the organs responsible for transmitting electricalRead more
Telemedicine and in-clinic appointments available. Schedule today: 952-841-2345