Your Right to a Good Faith Estimate
You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost.
In accordance with the No Surprises Act, Maplewood Surgery Center will provide an estimate of the bill for medical items and services to any patient who does not have insurance or does not intend to use insurance for their care.
Uninsured and self-pay individuals also have the right to proactively request a good faith estimate before scheduling.
What is included in the good faith estimate?
The good faith estimate will include expected charges for the items or services reasonably expected to be provided together with the primary item or service, including items or services that may be provided by other providers and facilities.
For example, for a surgery, the good faith estimate might include the cost of the surgery – both the facility and the physician fee – labs or tests, and any anesthesia used during the operation.
The estimate will consist of an itemized list of each item or service, grouped by each provider or facility offering care. Each item or service will have specific details and the expected charge.
When will I receive my good faith estimate?
Maplewood Surgery Center will provide a good faith estimate:
Within one business day after scheduling when the primary item or service is scheduled at least three business days in advance or no later than three business days after scheduling when the primary item or service is scheduled at least 10 business days in advance; or
Within three business days after an uninsured or self-pay consumer who has not yet scheduled requests a good faith estimate.
Maplewood Surgery Center will provide a paper or electronic copy of the good faith estimate based on the patient’s preference, even if the good faith estimate information was provided over the phone or verbally in person.
Additional details
If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your good faith estimate, you can dispute the bill.
Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate.
For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit or call 952-260-1381 and follow prompts for the Billing Department.