Frequently Asked Questions – Surgery
How can I prevent an infection?
Take antibiotic as prescribed by your physician.
Avoid touching your incision.
Before and after providing care of your incision area, wash your hands or use alcohol based hand sanitizer
If you have any signs/symptoms of an infection such as redness, pain, fever or cloudy drainage call your surgeon immediately.
Until the incision is completely healed, always use a different wash cloth for the incision area than the one used on the rest of the body.
Keep clean sheets on your bed and make sure the clothes that come in contact with your incision area are clean.
Keep pets away from the incision area until healed.
Smoking reduces your body’s ability to heal and may contribute to infection. If you smoke, abstain from smoking for as long as possible after your surgery.
What is outpatient surgery?
Outpatient surgery, also known as ambulatory surgery or same-day surgery is a procedure that does not require an overnight hospital stay.
What do I need to bring with me on the day of my procedure?
Insurance card, photo ID, and any workers compensation information.
Any paperwork from your doctor (test results, medical history, etc.).
The remote control for any implanted devices have.
Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.
Do not bring:
Watches, rings, jewelry and wallets.
Large amounts of cash.
When can I see my family after my surgery or procedure?
After your outpatient procedure, we will take you to the recovery area where, once you are fully awake, your family will be able to join you.
Can I drive myself home after my surgery or procedure?
No, anesthesia is required for surgeries, and we cannot let anyone drive themselves home. We ask that you arrange for a family member or friend to drive you to and from the facility on the day of your appointment. You also need a responsible adult to stay with you for 24 hours after receiving anesthesia.
What do the facility fees cover?
Our fees cover the use of the facility only. Facility fees do not include laboratory, pathology, surgeon, anesthesiologist or certified nurse anesthetist fees, and may not include the cost of any implants used for your surgery. You will be billed separately for these fees.
Who administers anesthesia?
Anesthetics are administered by contracted anesthesia providers, which include anesthesiologists and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA).
Will I get to speak with the person doing my anesthesia before my surgery?
Yes. Before surgery, you and your anesthesia provider will sit down to discuss your medical history and review the anesthesia plan; this is when you will be able to voice all of your questions and concerns. Feel free to call our admissions nurse if you have concerns that should be addressed prior to the day of surgery.
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