Femoral-Obturator Nerve Block
The obturator nerve is located in the groin. It allows for muscle movement in the lower body, such as flexing the hip or extending the leg at the knee, and provides sensation to the inner thigh, hip joints, knee joints, and some of the skin on the inside of the upper thigh.
The femoral nerve is among the largest nerves in the leg. There is a femoral nerve on each side of the body, and they allow movement and provide sensory signals for much of the lower body.
Chronic hip pain can develop if one or both of these nerves become aggravated or pinched, usually because of hip surgery, medical conditions, or injury to the hip. A femoral-obturator nerve block can either be used to provide relief from chronic hip pain or to help diagnose if other treatments would be effective.
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What is a femoral-obturator nerve block?
A femoral-obturator nerve block is an outpatient procedure that involves injecting medication near the femoral and obturator nerves. The medication numbs the nerves, interrupting pain signals.
What happens during a femoral-obturator nerve block procedure?
You will be brought into the procedure room and laid on a special table. Your skin will be cleaned at the injection site and a local anesthetic will be applied to numb the skin. Your physician will use a special kind of x-ray (called a fluoroscope) to guide the needle to the appropriate site.
The medication is injected at the site of the femoral and/or obturator nerves. The medication bathes the nerves, relieving pain.
Femoral-obturator nerve blocks at Twin Cities Pain Clinic
Twin Cities Pain Clinic specializes in performing minimally invasive femoral-obturator nerve blocks in an outpatient setting to relieve chronic hip pain.
Schedule a consultation with Twin Cities Pain Clinic today to see if a femoral-obturator nerve block can help with your pain.