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Joint Injections

A joint is essentially a place where different bones come together. The joint connects the bones to one another with flexible ligaments and cartilage, allowing for free and frictionless movement that lets your body perform many of its everyday functions.

Over time, the cartilage in your joints can break down, reducing the protective cushion between bones. Additionally, joints can become inflamed as a result of injury or medical conditions like arthritis. Both of these circumstances can result in chronic joint pain.

Joint injections are effective, non-surgical therapies for providing relief from chronic joint pain.

Schedule a consultation today

What is a joint injection?

A joint injection is a non-surgical, outpatient procedure used to treat chronic pain of the joints. A long acting anti-inflammatory medication (steroid) mixed with a local anesthetic (numbing agent) is injected into the joint. The steroid helps to decrease the inflammation that causes swelling. The anesthetic temporarily numbs the area, proving relief while the steroid takes effect.

What can I expect during the procedure?

You will be brought into the procedure room and placed in an optimal position for the injection. If you are receiving sedation, this will be administered prior to the procedure.

Your skin will be cleaned at the injection site. A fluoroscope (x-ray machine) or ultrasound will visualize a needle as the physician guides it to the appropriate site, where the medication is then injected.

What can I expect after the procedure?

We recommend that you take it easy for the remainder of the day. You may resume normal activities the next day. You may experience tenderness or aggravated symptoms for several days after the injection as the anesthetic wears off.  Apply ice packs to help with this pain. Patients usually feel relief after a few days, but it may take 10-14 days to take full effect.

You should follow-up with your provider two weeks after the injection to assess its effectiveness and determine the next step in your care.

Joint injections are an effective, non-surgical treatment for:

Schedule a consultation with Twin Cities Pain Clinic today to see if a joint injection can help with your pain.


Telemedicine and in-clinic appointments available. Schedule today: 952-841-2345