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Disorders That Affect the Spinal Cord & Nerves

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July 10, 2018 Jeff Blanchard

Disorders That Affect the Spinal Cord & Nerves

The spinal cord is the main pathway of communication between the brain and the rest of the body. It is a collection of nerves and tissue that extends downward from the base of the brain to the tailbone. The cord is surrounded by a tube-like structure called the spinal canal, which in turn is surrounded and protected by the back bones of the spine, also called vertebrae.

Any condition that narrows the spinal canal can put the nerves of your spinal cord at risk. This narrowing can compress and pinch the nerves, causing irritation. If the condition continues for three months or more, it becomes a chronic pain issue.

Adult male in pain holding lower back-black and white

Conditions that can narrow your spinal canal include infection, tumors, trauma, herniated discs, arthritis, and thickening of ligaments. Here are a few of the most common conditions that can affect the spinal cord and nerves.

Disc Herniation

A herniated disc refers to a problem with one of the rubbery cushions (discs) between the individual bones that stack up to make your spine. A herniated disc can irritate nearby nerves and result in pain, numbness or weakness in an arm or leg.

Disc herniation is most often the result of a gradual, age-related wear and tear called disc degeneration. As you age, your spinal discs lose some of their water content. That makes them less flexible and more prone to tearing or rupturing with even a minor strain or twist. When the outer layer of a disc ruptures, the soft, inner layer can bulge out of the disc and press on spinal nerves, resulting in pain.

You can prevent a herniated disc by exercising regularly, having good posture, and maintaining a healthy weight.


Illustrated X Ray Image of Sciatic Nerve-Twin Cities Pain Clinic Sciatica Pain ReliefThe sciatic nerve is the largest single nerve in the body. It is made up of individual nerve roots that branch out from the spine in the lower back and then combine to form the sciatic nerve. Sciatica symptoms occur when the large sciatic nerve is irritated or compressed at or near its point of origin.

A common symptom of sciatica is pain that starts in the lower back and radiates or travels to the buttock and down the back of the leg. The pain sometimes extends all the way to the foot and toes. Pain varies from mild to severe and is described as shooting, burning, or electric shock – like.

Spinal Stenosis

A condition involving any narrowing of the spinal canal or nerve-root canals, spinal stenosis can result in compression of, or pressure on the spinal nerves and nerve roots. Most people with spinal stenosis experience more pain when walking or standing, and less pain when bending forward or sitting down.

Jeff Blanchard

Jeffrey Blanchard is a marketing and communications professional with over 10 years of experience in the healthcare industry. He specializes in crafting engaging, compelling, web-optimized content that is supported by thorough research and expert medical testimonial. Jeff has written two white papers and had his work published in two industry journals. He currently serves as the Marketing Manager at Twin Cities Pain Clinic, where he curates the company's website content and is the primary writer and editor of the pain management blog.
Telemedicine and in-clinic appointments available. Schedule today: 952-841-2345